Business Newsletter
Dear Community,

I wrote my dissertation on fleet management that uses real-time GPS data. Back then, 15 years ago, only a few people cared. Now it’s standard practice and generates added value. Since then, the algorithms have really improved, and we can solve problems no one thought possible.
We’re still seeing that there’s untapped potential in the practical application of optimization algorithms. Why? Better output. Greater climate protection. Lower costs. That should convince us all to set our sights on innovative IT solutions. Let’s talk about it.
In any case, Aurubis AG, Hamburg’s multimetal company, global market leader in its field, and KLU partner banks on algorithm-based forecasting models. Read about it in the company interview. The report on the international VeRoLog conference on Vehicle Routing and Logistics Optimization, which I organized, is a matching read.
Check out these sustainability topics in the issue: Learn sustainable management and save money when you register now for the SuMO program. How does the EU climate package affect road and freight transport? Read the interview with two professores at KLU’s Center for Sustainable Logistics.
Navigate well through the summer! For now, I wish you an inspiring read.
Prof. Dr. Asvin Goel
Professor of Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Guest Editor
P.S. Did you know? KLU is in the top three research-oriented German universities in the field of supply chain management. Globally we’re in the top 100. Looking for a research partner with a practical slant? Reach out to us.
Company Interview: Aurubis AG || News: VeRoLog Conference | President Leaving KLU | CV Book | Kühne Foundation Logistics Day | Climate Goals for Transport | Sustainable Management | Boot Camps | Humanitarian Logistics | Supply Chains for Fresh Food || Executive Education: SuMO: First Mover | MBA Leadership & SCM: Video | Certificate Programs ENloP & NetloP || Events: Event Newsletter || KLU in the Media: Selection
. . . with Dr. Sven-Kelana Christiansen, Aurubis AG
Aurubis Logo
“Metals for Progress” is Aurubis AG’s slogan, a Hamburg-based company and global leader in the production and recycling of copper and other metals. How does Aurubis organize its supply chains and why are they currently being overhauled? What is KLU’s role in this? We talked to Dr. Sven-Kelana Christiansen, Vice President, Supply Chain Management. Read the interview . . .
Optimizing Transportation and Logistics: VeRoLog Conference at KLU
VeRoLog logo
After a two-year long waiting period due to the ongoing Corona pandemic the Working Group on Vehicle Routing and Logistics optimization within EURO, the Association of the European Operational Research Societies, was finally able to meet again in person. KLU and the Helmut Schmidt University were the hosts of the VeRoLog Conference 2022. Learn more . . .
The Contract of the Current KLU President Expires at the End of 2022
KLU President
Professor Dr. Thomas Strothotte’s contract will end as scheduled after almost 10 years on Dec. 31, 2022. The Kühne Foundation has already established a search committee and is confident in finding a suitable successor for the next term. Learn more …
CV Book: KLU Graduates 2022

Are you looking for new talent? Graduating from KLU – a top ranked university – the class of 2022 is entering the labor market with practical and international experience. Bachelor’s, Master’s, or MBA, all our graduates make lasting contributions to their employers. Connect with them via KLU’s CV Book, and use this talent pool to find the best fit for you.
Visit our brand new 2022 KLU CV Book . . .
Kühne Foundation Logistics Day

(NDR Television, Hamburg Journal / 26.04.2022 / video in German language)
International trade, a greater focus on sustainability in management training, and close collaboration between research and practice are key elements in limiting the impacts of climate change. This was the conclusion experts reached at the 18th Kühne Foundation Logistics Day on new prospects for economic action as climate change advances. Learn more . . .
EU Climate Package: What Does It Mean for the Transport Industry?
lake in the form of a truck in the woods
Freight forwarders need better advice about what they can do, sustainability professors Alan McKinnon and Moritz Petersen claim. In an interview they explain the challenges facing the transport industry regarding climate goals and how to expedite climate protection in companies. Read the interview . . .
KLU Professor Is New President of Sustainability Organization
Johannes Meuer, Associate Professor for Sustainability Strategy and Operations and Co-director of KLU’s Center for Sustainable Logistics and Supply Chains, is the new president of the international scientific network GRONEN (Group for Research Organizations and the Natural Environment). The network explores organizations in the context of environmental protection, incorporating management and sustainability. What is the idea behind it? Learn more . . .
KLU Boot Camps: Seeking Companies for Student Workshops
Chat bot
KLU Boot Camps continue to attract international students to campus. In May, they tinkered with chatbots for public transport and logistics with technology partner IBM. Practice partners included Hamburg’s HOCHBAHN AG and IFCO, leading in reusable plastic containers. Your company could create a case for our next workshop. Reach out to us & learn more . . .
The Future of Humanitarian Logistics
two women in a help center
Functioning logistics is essential for providing humanitarian aid. How can it contribute to crisis measures running more efficiently, effectively, and sustainably? The Center for Humanitarian Logistics and Regional Development (CHORD), a joint effort between KLU and HELP Logistics, offers some answers. Learn more . . .
Collaboration with Food Companies: Supply Chains for Fresh Food
truck with food
KLU’s Food Research Group exchanged views with REWE, Picnic, HelloFresh, and food startup Every on innovative business concepts and current challenges. TU Munich, the University of Bayreuth, and the Catholic University of Eichstädt-Ingolstadt co-organized the student workshop. Key findings and voices on their experience here . . .
SuMO: First Movers Wanted
Language: English
Start: 2023, Discount until: August 15, 2022
Our new part-time certificate program SuMO (Sustainable Management and Operations) offers the unique opportunity to acquire the conceptual foundations of sustainable management in a flexible and efficient way – tangible, practical, and based on current research. 25% first mover discount until August 15, 2022.
Register now
MBA Leadership & Supply Chain Management: Apply now

Language: English
Application Deadline: July 31, 2022
Hear it from our students. Michael Schneider, MBA student at KLU tells you everything you need to know about the MBA in Leadership & Supply Chain Management in our 26-questions video.
Apply now
ENloPer and NetloPer on the Road in Europe
Participants in KLU's ENLoP and NetloP certificate programs have already visited various universities in Edinburgh, Copenhagen, Zurich, and Vallendar, deepening their knowledge in logistics and supply chains and expanding their network. The program runs until October 2022. Are you interested in joining next year? Learn more . . .
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KLU building
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Here you will find a selection of media contributions featuring KLU experts.
Diverse topics
► ZEIT print, 15.06.2022 // Worum geht’s ... in der humanitären Logistik? (What's it all about ... in humanitarian logistics?, in German)
► Mundo Maritimo, 30.05.2022 // "El sector portuario de América Latina posee una mayor conciencia en cuanto a la necesidad del cambio energético" ("The port sector in Latin America has a greater awareness of the need for energy change.")
► DVZ Blue Rocket, 30.05.2022 // KLU Boot Camp 2022: „Ein ganz anderer Einblick“ (KLU Boot Camp 2022: "A completely different insight", in German)
► Deutsche Welle Video, 03.05.2022 // Belt and Road trade network disrupted by war
Music Consumption
► ZEIT Online, 02.06.2022 // Studie: Pandemie wirkt sich negativ auf den Musikkonsum aus (Study: Pandemic has a negative impact on music consumption. German language)
► Spiegel Online, 02.06.2022 // Trotz Coronapandemie Deutsche hören zu Hause weniger Musik (Despite Corona Pandemic Germans Listen to Less Music at Home. German language)
Kühne Foundation Logistics Day
► Logistik Heute, 28.04.2022 // Nachhaltigkeit: Handel und Logistik haben Schlüsselrolle beim Klimaschutz (Sustainability: trade and logistics have a key role to play in climate protection. German language)
► Deutsche Verkehrs-Zeitung, DVZ, 26.04.2022 // Klaus-Michael Kühne erwartet Ausleseprozess in der Logistik (Klaus-Michael Kühne expects selection process in logistics . German language. Paywall)
► NDR Television, Hamburg Journal, 26.04.2022 // Wie kann der Transport von Waren klimaneutraler werden? (How can the transport of goods become more climate neutral? German language)
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