Student Affairs Newsletter
Dear Student Services Team,
Welcome to your one-stop shop for all information from KLU's Student Affairs departments.
In this issue
  • Advisupply makes it official - Student Volunteer Groups
  • Travel with us! - Student Recruitment & Admissions
  • Avoid Paywalls with Browser Extension LibKey Nomad - Library & Information Services
General news & dates for your diary
  • Dorm room available: A KLU student is looking to sublet her room in the Smartments dormitory from August to December. Find more information here.
  • KLU canteen: The menu for the week can be found on the screens in front of the canteen or on this website.
  • Good to know: The next newsletter will be the last one for this spring semester before the Student Affairs newsletter will go on summer break until the start of the next semester in September.
Student Volunteer Groups
Advisupply makes it official!
Advisupply makes it official
KLU’s very own student consultancy advisupply is becoming an official legal entity in Germany. In the last months our team worked closely together with German authorities to get us registered as an official association. We are very proud that after long preparations we were finally able to achieve this goal. So now it’s “advisupply e.V.".
Student Recruitment & Admissions
Travel with us!
Travel with us
The student recruitment team are searching for KLU students to join them at fairs in various locations around Germany. Locations include Kiel and Husum. You will attend career fairs and speak to high school students about what it’s like to study at KLU. If you are interested, please contact
Library & Information Services
Avoid Paywalls with Browser Extension LibKey Nomad
LibKey Nomad
Since we license most of our journal articles via databases, starting your research on Google, ResearchGate or publisher's websites won't always take you to our full texts. Install our licensed browser extension LibKey Nomad and select KLU as your institution for one-click access to articles on many scholarly websites. Learn more online or in the library!
Previous & next editions
The Student Affairs Newsletter is sent out every two weeks (during lecture period) on a Saturday. If you would like to submit content to be included in the next edition, please email the Student Services Team by Wednesday, May 17.
The current and previous editions of the Student Affairs Newsletter are available here.
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