Student Affairs Newsletter
Dear Student Services Team,
Welcome to your one-stop shop for all information from KLU's Student Affairs departments.
In this issue
  • Benefit from referring a student to KLU - Student Recruitment and Admissions
  • Welcome Week - Student tutors wanted & Call for election committee - Student Services
  • External event: HPA Homecoming Homeport Vol. 2 – 22nd June - Program Services
  • Summer internship reminder! - Career Services
  • Return library books & Library opening hours - Library & Information Services
General news & dates for your diary
  • Dorm room available: A KLU student is looking to sublet his room in the Smartments dormitory from June to August. Find more information here.
  • Student Info Point: Please note that the Student Info Point will be closed on fridays during the lecture-free period.
  • Good to know: This issue will be the last one for this spring semester before the Student Affairs newsletter will go on summer break until the start of the next semester in September.
  • 10 best things to do in Hamburg: Looking for something to do in Hamburg? Check out this blog entry written by one of our colleagues from Student Recruitment!
Student Recruitment and Admissions
Benefit from referring a student to KLU
Referral Program
KLU’s referral program benefits you and the new student you refer. If a new student mentions your name in their application, you will get a thank-you gift and they will receive 10% off their tuition.
Student Services
Welcome Week - Student tutors wanted
Welcome Week Tutors

We are looking for committed KLU students, who would like to accompany exciting excursions and events during this year’s Welcome Week. Events to support will take place from Aug 31st - Sept 4th. One and sometimes two to three students are required for each event (Campus tours, boat & city tour, a trip to Wildwuchs brewery, CHOCOVERSUM and many more). If you are interested in accompanying one or more events, we are looking forward to hearing from you by e-mail: Thank you for your support! :)

Call for election committee
Election Committee
With the new intake, there will also be elections for the student representatives at KLU. Just like in the last years, this election will be organized and conducted by a group of students in early September.
There is still time, but to provide a smooth process, we already invite you to think about if you would like to join the committee (again). Please contact if you are interested.
Program Services
External Event: HPA Homecoming Homeport Vol. 2 – 22nd June
Homecoming Homereport
HOMECOMING HOMEPORT creates a networking platform for innovation ecosystems in and around the port industry with tangible technologies. The focus topics this year are decarbonization & circular economy, the potential of mobile sensor technology for the Hanseatic City & Port, and digital manufacturing methods. Artificial intelligence (AI) as a cross-sectional technology will be found in all solution areas.
The morning program is dedicated at students with company pitches and panel discussions.

Click here to read more
Career Services
Summer internship reminder!
Summer Internship
If you've already secured an internship, please update your status on the Moodle Internship Program. Head over to "2023 Internships - Submit your Deliverables here: Deliverable 1" and let us know about your exciting opportunity.
If you're still searching for an internship and feeling stuck, don't worry! Our Career Services department is here to support you. Reach out to us through our support system, and we'll be more than happy to assist you.
Remember, we're here for you every step of the way. Good luck with your internship hunt and have an incredible summer!
Library & Information Services
Returning of library books
Return Library Books
Please remember to return borrowed books to the library before you leave the KLU, especially if your exchange semester is about to end or you are preparing to leave for your semester abroad and/or internship! You can return borrowed books outside the opening hours using our Book Return Box (left of the library entrance on the 3rd floor).
Lecture period ends – Library opening hours continues
Library Opening Hours
While lectures are ending soon for this semester, in June we keep the library open to our usual hours Mo-Fr 10 AM to 06 PM, especially for the many thesis writers! Please note that the library will also be open on June 17th during the Open Day event, and that we stay closed on public holidays, e. g. on May 29th. You can always see our current opening hours on Moodle or on the KLU website.
Previous & next editions
The Student Affairs Newsletter is sent out every two weeks (during lecture period). The next newsletter after the semester break will be published on September 09.
The current and previous editions of the Student Affairs Newsletter are available here.
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